Briny Breezes Homes for sale from $500,000 to $600,000

There are currently 2 MLS Listings in the search: $500,000 to $600,000 | Homes for Sale in Briny Breezes, FL. Click on a listing to the view property details, photos and agent comments. If you would like to change or expand your search criteria, go back to the main Briny Breezes page, or try using our Advanced Search.

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21 Juniper Drive K Briny Breezes, FL 33435 Homes for Sale, Mobile/Manufactured

1 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms
Living Area: 576 SqFt
Year Built: 1980
Waterfront: No
This double lot in Briny Breezes Florida is 21 units to your private beach and boasts 48 shares of stock in Briny Breezes inc. It features a large si... Listing courtesy of A Team Real Estate LLC

7 Cedar Drive E Briny Breezes, FL 33435 Homes for Sale, Mobile/Manufactured

1 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms
Living Area: 420 SqFt
Year Built: 1969
Waterfront: No
This is a great unit in Briny Breezes featuring a large driveway which is very unique for the units on the east side. This unit boasts 35 shares of st... Listing courtesy of A Team Real Estate LLC


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For more information about buying or selling property in Briny Breezes, please contact Brett Colby at (561) 903-4200.